2020 WOEE Winter Newsletter
I hope everyone reading this had a wonderful Christmas season and is enjoying a wonderful New Year! This Fall and Winter season Andriy was able to continue to help multiple orphanages by bringing them supplies and helping perform repairs. His team always engages with the children at the orphanage and has fun with them as they try to connect with each one to build relationships.

To finish 2019, Andriy was able to coordinate a Christmas Gift for an entire orphanage! All the children and staff of an orphanage were able to go out to see a movie at a cinema and then eat at McDonalds as a treat! Many of the children had never been into the large city of Kyiv before and never been to a restaurant to eat, so this was a memorable experience they will never forget!

As many of you know, Andriy is a legal social worker and one of his directives that our organization REALLY wants to focus on is the reunification of children with their families when it is possible. Not every one knows that the vast majority of children in Ukrainian orphanages are “social orphans”…they are children whose parents are alive but they live in the orphanage because the parent/s are unable to financially provide for them or they are unable due to drug or alcohol addiction. Sometimes there are families who really want their children back home but need a plan to get their family back on track and Andriy wants to find these families and help them get the resources they need. We are not speaking of resources as in hand outs, but things such as a skill or trade so they can provide income or partnering with other people to hold them accountable so they will not slip back into drug or alcohol. For this, Andriy will need to make more than the once monthly trips to the orphanage cities and therefore needs more donations and definitely prayers to obtain this goal. Thank you to each of you who are give a faithful, recurring monthly gift! Those of you who do not, please consider any amount, as any amount truly is a blessing!
Be sure to follow Andriy on Facebook at ‘Freeway Kyiv’ to see his weekly activities! All donations through https://give.woee.org/en/GeneralFundFreeway are tax-deductible and all funds go to Andriy’s ministry…the organization does not keep any funds for its own operations. Thank you for your heart to help! |