Andriy and his Freeway team have had a busy winter!
Andriy has been sending photos periodically since Fall 2021 of people and groups in Ukraine that are in need that he has been helping. Below are some of the highlights!

Above is a photo of one of the first elderly ladies that Andriy brought firewood to!

Above is another photo of another elderly lady that lives in poverty that Andriy discovered and helped!
Andriy’s team partnered with a local private school to send toys and supplies to a village school:

Andriy meeting with a teacher and village children playing with donated toys.
Andriy’s friend Michael V donated lots of bananas to a local orphanage along with other supplies.

Michael with the fruit.
Andriy said the orphanages had too many new kids come into care this month :^( His team loves to play with kids and try to build relationships with the kids and the caregivers.

Team members helping the kids do crafts.
Thank you to all the monthly supporters! Andriy literally could not do what he does without the support he receives! Anyone reading this who does not already support Andriy, if you would please give any amount monthly, it would be greatly appreciated as Andriy says the economy has NOT rebounded in Ukraine after lockdowns as they did not have the types of financial support and many new cases are popping up needing help that their government cannot provide. Andriy and his team try to step in and support families before their children land in orphanages. He tries to help families learn to find ways to support their families. Andriy tells them there is no hope besides that found in Jesus and lets them know God has asked him to help them and show them His love!
Thank you for your prayers and support of Andriy! |